12 March 2011

I have a difficulty with adults who feel the need to call names.

Look, some of it is just plain funny - I agree. But when it comes down to it, just because you're passionate about your opinion and someone else can't seem to grasp your views, doesn't mean you should call them names. We're not a bunch of third-graders, here. We don't need to tease and ridicule when it comes to supporting our own statements or trying to oppose another's. Facts, viewpoints and strategies for helping other people seem to be the most efficient and beneficial way to get around things. Both sides of any argument you see these days seem to be ready to resort to name-calling and mud-slinging. And Heaven help me, I'm sure I am to blame for supporting some of the ridiculous behavior in the name of pushing my own agenda. But I try not to. Really, I do. And I would hope that we could all respect each other enough to listen to each other and try to help - not JUST try to win.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up ..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11