24 January 2012


1. Exercise more. Take step one. Then take step two.2. Get more sleep. Go to bed earlier. Don't go to bed watching TV.
3. Eat healthy. Start with one health meal a day. Make it two. Decrease unhealthy snacks.
4. Check your feet. Take your shoes off every day. Take care of them!
5. Be happy. "What am I grateful for? What could I be grateful for?" Reflect.
6. Cut out salt.
7. Floss daily.
8. Build a network. Pick up the phone to call friend or family. Once a month. Twice a month.
9. Cut back the coffee. Try decaf. Get rid of the sugar and/or cream.
10. Eat breakfast. Banana. Whole-grain cereal bar. Once a month. Once a week. Everyday.

Big picture: "These small steps are going to lead to a lifetime of habits. We encourage people to be optimistic about the long run and very gentle and patient with themselves." - Robert Mauere, PhD [David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California - Los Angeles]

*Neithercott, T. (2008). 10 easy wasy to get healthy right now: Small Steps, Big Changes. Diabetes Forecast, (Sept 2008). http://forecast.diabetes.org/magazine/features/10-easy-ways-get-healthy-right-now