22 February 2011

A Religious Hunter

A man was out hunting bears. As he trudged through the forest looking for the beasts, he came upon a large and steep hill. Thinking that a bear might possibly be on the other side, he climbed the hill. Just as he was pulling himself up over the last outcropping of rocks, a huge bear met him nose to nose.The bear roared and the man was so scared that he lost his balance and fell down the hill, the bear chasing not far behind him. As he tumbled, the man lost his gun and broke his leg. As he came to rest at the bottom of the hill, he found that escape was impossible.

The man, who had never been particularly religious, prayed, "God, if you will make this bear a Christian, I will be happy with whatever lot you give me for the rest of my life." The bear was no more than three feet away when it stopped dead in its tracks, looked up to the heavens quizzically, and then fell to its knees and prayed in a loud voice, "O Lord, bless this food of which I am about to partake."
