24 October 2011

Tired of the hate

I know, not everyone hates. But some days it is hard to believe it. Whites hate blacks. Blacks hate whites. Replublicans hate democrats. People on the left hate people on the right. Religious fanatics hate each other or someone else. Frankly, I am tired of all the bullshit and the hatred in our country. The only thing I really feel like I can try to do about it, though, is to not give in to it - or at least try. Time is wasted being angry and hating people (or groups of people).

Life is precious. And it is not a competition (though everything we do speaks to us that it is). Life is a team sport - and we are ALL on the same team. Surround yourself with positive, motivated, successful people and get something done - for the good of all. Think of your neighbors. Move forward ... and together. Believe. Act. Serve. Inspire.
