01 June 2011

Best Intentions

We live in a community that is part of a much larger school district. There are three high schools. I work at the one on the far east side of the school district, while we live (and my son goes to school) in the area that feeds the farthest west high school. They are rivals.

My son has signed up to play football for the Crimson this coming year (2nd grade ... flag football). He's excited. Of course, he also likes the fact that I coach baseball - and he has been a Pirate because I have coached Pirates on the east side of the district.

We went to get a free t-shirt last night for his program - the Crimson. As we were approaching the elementary school where we would pick up the t-shirt, I noticed that he had a Pirate Baseball shirt on. I quickly thought of a way to cover up the shirt so that it wasn't a whole experience of explaining why he was going to be a Crimson but had a Pirate shirt on. Thankfully, we had a sweatshirt in the vehicle that he could put on to cover up the Pirate shirt. He put it on and, voila!, no more Pirate. Crisis averted ...

Or maybe not. As soon as we picked up the Crimson t-shirt, my son unzipped his sweatshirt and proudly displayed his Pirate shirt, explaining to all those who will listen, that his Dad used to coach the Pirates, but that he quit today.

Thanks, son. Thanks.