02 June 2011

What's wrong here?

My seven-year-old son is playing "up" in a baseball league. He is slightly advanced for his age/grade and performs well with the eight-year-olds that are on his team. He's got coaches that work well with the boys and my son does well with them.

But he doesn't play baseball exclusively. This summer, he will swim. In the fall there is always soccer and/or football. He skates and plays hockey on occasion, and he has played in a couple basketball leagues.

In other words - it's not too intense. He loves sports. He plays them all the time, but we're not thinking about pumping too much money and time in right now, nor concentrating on one particular sport. For gosh sakes, he's in first grade, right?

Okay. Then there's my daughter. She's kind of a girlie-girl. Kind of. She still wants to play tee-ball this summer, and she swims. She does gymnastics with a bunch of other pre-school girls on a weekly basis, but no competitions.

However ... she does dance. And this is where my tail tingles (taking a reference from "Over the Hedge"). She's been doing recreational dance for two years. Once a week. All school year. The annual recital is with all the other age groups and divisions of the school at the end of the year. And it is pretty cool.

Last year, at the end of the year, the teachers told her that she was probably good enough to try out for the 'competition' level. We said, "no." This year, they've created a 'performance' level that is a middle level between 'rec' and 'comp.' Just to be sure we all are on the same page - this is a STEP BELOW what competition level would require.


She would go to dance practice/class for ninety minutes (plus?) each week. She would have two performances in addition to the recital. We would need to buy two costumes, a new pair of tap shoes, and specific make-up ... yes, make-up for my five-year-old, UGH!

It doesn't stop there. Fees are also necessary for prop materials and transport. Oh, and did I mention, she'd probably need to complete (and us pay for) a technique class over the summer, an audition class during the fall, and at least one additional workshop during the year.

Thankfully, there would not be any mandatory travel ... and this is the MIDDLE level - not competition even. Wow. That's a lot for a five-year-old.

Not sure I'd put up with that for my son for baseball. Just sayin'