06 June 2011

Gas prices

Where I live, I can go two blocks to the local Sam's Club gas station and get gas for a 'reasonable price.' Of course, that's all relative, since I was paying less than $10 to completely fill up my Neon in college.

This weekend, we crossed the river, drove five hours, had some family fun. We filled up the van before we left - at Sam's, for $3.60 per gallon. I thought that was a reasonable price, especially since prices had been closer to $4 earlier this year already.

When we got to our destination, I saw prices varying from $3.92 to $3.96 - and I wasn't that happy. Upon starting to travel back on Sunday, I could only see the more expensive prices as we were leaving town and heading home. So, we decided to ride it out a bit, and see if prices on the way home would be less expensive. That way we could stop to take a bathroom break as well.

As we started to get close to the 'E' on the gas guage, it was finally time to pee and fill up the van. End result? ...